Training Program Research Platforms Integrated Knowledge<br/>Translation

Save the date:

CRRN Annual General Meeting in Ottawa, November 6-7, 2025


The Canadian Respiratory Research Network (CRRN), in close partnership with the Canadian Lung Association, the CIHR, and other partners, will improve patient care and outcomes for patients with chronic respiratory disease.

We will do this through creation of an enduring national network of investigators and research platforms to enable innovative, collaborative, respiratory health research that influences decision making and ensures high quality training and career development of a new generation of investigators.

Mission: The goals of the network are to bring together researchers across disciplines and research themes/pillars to work together in a coordinated fashion in order to improve understanding of the origins and progression of chronic airway diseases in Canada.




CRRN Scientists Received CIHR Team Grants on Lung Health


Funding Opportunities

Upcoming Events

Canadian Respiratory Conference, April 3-5, 2025, Quebec City


CRRN General Meeting in Ottawa

Save the date: November 6-7, 2025, details to follow